the living, breathing, thinking, responsive buildings of the future
One of the more exciting realities of 21st-century life is that objects are now able – with the help of embedded technology – to sense, think, act and communicate.Very soon, every building, city and landscape component will be equipped with communicative and computational capacities: we shall be surrounded by sentient architecture.
This book documents the role of architecture in shaping this new reality in multiple research trajectories launched and guided by the authors at the University of Toronto, MIT, and the University of Hong Kong. The projects establish an interdisciplinary platform involving artists, architects, designers, scientists and engineers spanning different institutions and continents, all of whom take a technological approach to spatial problems, one deeply attuned to the dynamics of living systems. The aim is to develop from these collaborative experiments a digitally enhanced architecture that is well-equipped to handle persistent and emerging challenges in creating a healthy and sustainable environment.
London : Thames & Hudson, 2012
HongKong : Oscer Riera Ojeda Publishers, 2012
Authors : Carol Moukheiber, Rodolphe el-Khoury, Christos Marcopoulos
Managing editor : Oscar Riera Ojeda
Creative Direction by Leo Malinow
Graphic Design by Alejandra Rom
We were invited to present IM BLANKY at the Wearables Meetup, a great forum hosted by the Social Body Lab.
Organizers: Kate Hartman, Assistant Professor (OCAD) Director, Social Body Lab with Erin Lewis, Research Assistant, Toronto Wearables Meetup Coordinator.
Toronto Wearables Meetup
“The Toronto Wearables Meetup is a monthly lecture series and gathering of people interested in wearable technology, fashion, wearable electronics, soft circuits, electronic textiles, emerging materials, and other creative and innovative approaches to things that live on the body. This Meetup is a gathering for artists, fashion designers, industrial designers, textile enthusiasts, engineers, researchers, students, and anyone interested in these emerging and intersecting fields.”
more info >>
Lots of press and encouraging attention for IM BLANKY!
Selected links:
“IM Blanky: soft hardware- Developed by Studio NMinusOne, this is a self modeling blanket exhibiting primitive cognitive skills.AnewsreportfromToronto… ”
Wired UK (Geoff Manaugh)
“IM Blanky: the blanket that feels: Is the cloud not fluffy enough for you? Try a blanket instead… “Wall Street Journal
“A Blanket With an I.P. Address: The IM Blanky
The Farnsworth Curtain takes its cue from Mies van der Rohe’s Farnsworth House. The famous glass house made its inhabitant uneasy by its complete transparency to the outside. Perimeter curtains were hung to provide opacity and psychological comfort.
- The curtain is composed of 2 separate layers. The outer layer is the supporting structure for the infrared sensors and the LEDs. The inner layer forms the screen upon which the LEDs project light. When an object interrupts the infrared beams, the corresponding LED lights dim, causing a dark shape to emerge on the inner layer of the curtain.
Through the use of electronic noise cancellation technology and sound absorbing materials, the enclosed space will be almost silent, in contrast to the main space. Shadows will seemingly float by, the busier the outside the more hypnotic the experience.
Carol Moukheiber and Christos Marcopoulos
Date: 2011
Min Woo Kim
Through the use of solar panels on one side and LED lights on the other, an opaque wall becomes digitally transparent.
The Farnsworth Wall takes its cue from Mies van der Rohe
Carol Moukheiber and Christos Marcopoulos
Date: 2009
Christos Marcopoulos and Carol Moukheiber with Mani Mani
IM BLANKY selected project // ACADIA 2012 Synthetic Digital Ecologies
The conference was held at CCA, California College of the Arts. (Oct. 18-21/2012)
Conference Chair: Jason Kelly Johnson (CCA, Future Cities Lab)
co-chairs: Mark Cabrinha (Cal Poly)
Kyle Steinfeld (UC Berkeley)
“The conference will highlight experimental research and projects that explore the reciprocity and synergy between bits and atoms, the digital and the physical, and between digital code and material logic. The conference will bring together designers, researchers and practitioners who engage, question and aspire to stretch these boundaries. Architects, fabricators, engineers, media artists, technologists, hackers and others in related fields of inquiry are invited to participate.”
IM BLANKY was presented in a session title “Emerging Interfaces”.
It was also shown in “WILD CARDS”, a curated and juried exhibit organized chaired by Natalie Gattegno (CCA, Future Cities Lab) and Brian Price (CCA).
Participants for the curated exhibition include: Achim Menges, Neri Oxman, Faulders Studio, MATSYS, Rael/San Fratello, IwamotoScott, Kruysman | Proto, FreelandBuck, Doris Sung (DOSU) with Ingalill Wahlroos-Ritter and Matthew Melnyk, Ogrydziac/Prillinger, Atelier Manferdini, Future Cities Lab, Ball-Nogues, Cabrinha-Kudless-Shook, Fletcher Studio, Oyler Wu Colaborative, Price Studio, VeeV / Raveevarn Choksombatchai.
Juried Projects include: Cutwork, Dragon Skin Pavilion, Digital Plaster, Flowing Matter, Gleaned, Green Negligee, IM BLANKY, Learning from Candela, MANTA, Plis/Replis, Spring Challenge, Sartorical Tectonics, Dynamic Support, Terri-Form, Unnatural Materials.
more on ACADIA here
We are honored and thrilled to be recognized by The Architectural League!
Presentation on March 09, 2012
“The Architectural League