IM Blanky is a blanket that exists in real space and virtual space simultaneously. If you move the blanket in real space, a virtual mesh moves along with it.
IM BLANKY is a blanket with an IP address. The basic v. 1.0 is self-modeling, which means that it is wirelessly linked to a digital model that registers and reprocesses its changing state in real time. The built-in capacity to situate and represent itself in space and time points to a most primitive and essential form of cognition — the sense of one
Materials: green two-tone Taffeta, nickel coated silver fabric, conductive and non-conductive thread, silver plated beads, glass beads, leather (back), resistors, multiplexers, LilyPad (back).
Blanket Schematic Circuit
The blanket measures 7
Computational Diagram
The data from each sensor determines the local tilt direction at the reading site; the readings from neighboring sensors establish elevation and orientation in 3D. The mapping of each vector against the entire field completes the overall picture.
Circuit Schematic
16 Multiplexers receive seven inputs each from the tassel
Circuit prototype
Hard-wire blanket circuit, prototype with Arduino.
Conductive soft circuit detail
Soft tilt sensors:
The shape of the petals and their distance from one another, were calibrated for maximum contact with the tassel
(soft) Hardware:
The blanket measures 7